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Boo, le chien "le plus mignon du monde" et célébrité des réseaux sociaux, est décédé

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    Une vraie « bouille de poil ». « Boo, le chien le plus mignon du monde », comme le racontait un livre sur sa vie, n'est plus. Cet adorable petit chien américain star des réseaux sociaux, s'est éteint à San Francisco ce vendredi 18 janvier, à l'âge canonique de douze ans. Irene Ahn, sa propriétaire l'a annoncé dans un texte très émouvant sur Facebook et Instagram.

    « Notre famille est dévastée, mais cela nous réconforte de savoir qu'il n'est plus en souffrance », ajoute-t-elle, qui conclut en remerciant les fans du petit chien de l'avoir suivi dans toutes ses aventures pendant près de dix ans.

    Dearest friends of Boo, With deepest sadness I wanted to share that Boo passed away in his sleep early this morning and...

    Gepostet von Boo am Freitag, 18. Januar 2019

    Ce petit loulou de Poméranie est devenu célèbre il y a neuf ans, après un tweet très second degré de la chanteuse Kesha dans lequel elle l'avait désigné comme son « nouveau petit ami ». Sur les réseaux sociaux, il comptait plus de 16 millions d'abonnés Facebook et plus d'un demi-million de suiveurs sur Instagram.

    « Nous pensons que son cœur s'est littéralement brisé quand Buddy est parti », a écrit sa propriétaire, rappelant que son autre chien était décédé le 17 septembre dernier. « Notre famille est dévastée, mais cela nous réconforte de savoir qu'il n'est plus en souffrance », ajoute Irene.

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    Dearest friends of Boo, With deepest sadness I wanted to share that Boo passed away in his sleep early this morning and has left us to join his best friend, Buddy. Our family is heartbroken, but we find comfort knowing that he is no longer in any pain or discomfort. We know that Buddy was the first to greet him on the other side of that rainbow bridge, and this is likely the most excited either of them have been in a long time. Since starting Boo’s FB page, I’ve received so many notes over the years from people sharing stories of how Boo brightened their days and helped bring a little light to their lives during difficult times. And that was really the purpose of all this...Boo brought joy to people all over the world. Boo is the happiest dog I’ve ever met. He was so easy going that we never had to bother with training. He made the manliest of men squeal with delight over his cuteness and made everyone laugh with his quirky, tail wagging personality. Over the years Boo met some super cool people, a lot of crazy talented people, but most of all so many kind people...friends who gave him endless love, people who prioritized his comfort over getting that perfect picture, partners who understood that Buddy ALWAYS had to be included, and last but definitely not least, the amazing doctors, therapists, and staff at Adobe Animal Hospital and Sage Veterinary Centers for the countless hours of care and dedication they poured into Buddy and Boo. I brought Boo home in the spring of 2006 and so started the greatest, most heartwarming friendship of all time. Shortly after Buddy died, Boo showed signs of heart issues. We think his heart literally broke when Buddy left us. He hung on and gave us over a year. But it looks like it was his time, and I’m sure it was a most joyous moment for them when they saw each other in heaven. Boo, we love you with all our hearts and will miss you until the day we meet again. Have fun running around with Buddy and creating adorable mischief wherever you guys go. Thank you to all of you for following along on their silly adventures over the past 10 years. They sure had a LOT of fun. With love and our deepest gratitude, Boo’s humans

    A post shared by Buddy + Boo (@buddyboowaggytails) on


    Article information

    Author: Meagan Murphy

    Last Updated: 1704140161

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    Author information

    Name: Meagan Murphy

    Birthday: 1939-06-25

    Address: 1254 Julie Islands Suite 034, Mckinneymouth, NM 55828

    Phone: +4655457726777230

    Job: Environmental Scientist

    Hobby: Backpacking, Crochet, Woodworking, Painting, Writing, Sailing, Dancing

    Introduction: My name is Meagan Murphy, I am a brilliant, multicolored, tenacious, unswerving, expert, daring, unyielding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.